After a full summer which included changing jobs, making pages for 3 fatbooks and enduring intense heat, I am just back from Spokane where I met my baby grandaughter for the first time. Her name is Kyra Nicole and is currently 2 months old. I took all her daddy's baby photos with me so her parents could see whose side of the family she takes after. Still too soon to tell. She's their first baby and of course the cutest baby in the world. The hardest part is they live in Spokane where Ben's just starting a teaching career. It's been hard on me to have him living so far away from Portland. But he and Erin are both doing great and very happy. How could I ask for more? So I made them promise to keep me supplied with photos of her progress.
Meanwhile life goes on in Portland as Art & Soul approaches. My scan of my page for the "Les Rues de Paris" fatbook features a well known painting of Montmartre Boulevard by Camille Jacob Pissarro. I used an eraser carving for the street name. That's almost more fun than creating the page:
My page for "Shrines" featured a hand colored cathedral doorway with a door that opened:
The page I did for "Beachcomber's Journal" shows me at the Oregon Coast in 1962 at age 14. Life was so simple at 14.