Next in our Soul Journal, we were to create three 2-page spreads overpainted with gesso to begin 3 potpourri exercises. We were given a list of steps and told to mix them up. I had numbered my pages 1-6 freehand and after completion of each spread, the numbers stayed fairly visible.
I started with the first item: Fill the page with descriptive adjectives (Use a permanent ink pen). I used my Italian/English dictionary to come up with adjectives & wrote both in.
I had some liquid acrylic which I dripped on the pages and smooshed them both together and then dabbed on a pale yellow paint with a sponge. I wrote left-handed in the lower right corner in pencil my grocery list but you can't really see it.
Next I cut out a silhouette of a girl from Seventeen magazine and stencilled around it in dark red and splattered the same paint across the pages. I add silver duct tape on the edges and sanded and antiqued it.
The second potpourri exercise included a similar list of steps to mix up and apply. After applying gesso, I stamped with some hand carved numbers and Stabilo permanent stamp pad and cut out all sorts of numbers from magazines. Then I painted over with diluted brown paint. Then I blobbed some yellow acrylic paint & again smooshed the two pages together. I used a fork to mark the edges of my page in dark green paint.

Next we were to outline our hands six times using permanent ink pens. By the last ones my fingers were all lined with multi-colored ink.
I scribbled a little with caran d'ache and stitched the right-hand page edges using fine silver wire. Finally I add some meaningful words, again with hand carved stamps & permanent stamp pad. I really love carving stamps.
Took a rest after that.
I'm exploring joining ArtistsoftheRoundTable Artists' Journals Sketchbooks Workshop using Lynn Perella's book as a jumping off point.