Wednesday, October 05, 2011

I have been busy with my Suzi Blu classes & had originally posted more of my paintings here but I evidently did not save properly.  So I'll repost them.

For my granddaughter

I'm getting ready for the 2nd annual Washington County Open Studios Tour on October 22 & 23.  More info may be had at

Monday, August 22, 2011


I have been busy since last February taking Suzi Blu art classes.  The first one was learning to draw portraits stylized per Suzi Style.  My first endeavors were moderately successful: 

Fah! Getting these things to align is a pain!

Anyway, I've learned a lot, spent a fortune on art supplies, but having fun learning many new techniques.

This is my little grandaughter, Kyra, Age 5.  I got to spend a couple days with her mom, Ben & new baby, Rylan, this last weekend.  Weather was great, she got to go swimming in neighbor pool & I pushed her on the swings.  Her daddy, Ben, who is a great cook, cooked curry for dinner with fresh green beans, carrots & zucchini from their garden.  Sauce was out of this world!

Flew home to Portland, took Max train to Tanasbourne & bus to within walking distance of home-2.5 hours from airport to home.  Pugs were very happy to see me.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I haven't posted for awhile.  The day after my last post, July 7, my male pug, Bailey, died suddenly.  It was a huge shock.  The following week I decided Mitzi & I needed a new friend-she was crying & digging out of the yard whenever I was gone.

So I drove to Tillamook which was the only place I could find in Oregon that had a black pug puppy.  Teddy was there with all his 7 brothers & sisters running around in all their pugginess.  I stopped now & then on the way home to let him run around, hoping he wouldn't run off into the woods.

When we got home, I had to set up the neighborhood garage sale & people were more interested in him that what Holly, my sister, and I had to sell.  We gave away a lot of junk & made a lot more room in my garage.

2 months into our togetherness, Teddy was running poor old-lady Mitzi ragged
so I called Teddy's parents to see if they had any puppies left & they did.  They drove Cody up to me that next weekend.  I got a bargain since apparently 2 month old puppies are not as desirable as young puppies.  I just looked at it as being that much closer to being house broken.

He was shy at first but seemed to remember Teddy & soon they were running all over the yard barking at neighborhood dogs. In this photo they are 4 months old.